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    "I think, therefore I am"


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    林能裕博士/ Neng-Yu Lin PhD

    現職:台大醫學院 解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所 助理教授

    Position: National Taiwan University College of Medicine

    Graduate Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Assistant Prof.


    學歷:德國艾朗根-紐倫堡大學 細胞生物學/臨床免疫學 博士 (Dr. rer. nat.)

    Degree: PhD of University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

    Department of Medicine 3 for Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology



    腫瘤細胞生物學/Cancer biology

    骨細胞生物學(關節炎/骨質疏鬆)/Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis,Osteoarthritis




    老鼠腫瘤模型/Tumor xenograft mouse model; Bone metastasis model

    老鼠關節炎模型/CAIA mouse model; K/BxN serum-transfer arthritis (STA) model; Ovariectomy mouse model; DMM model; aging induced osteoarthritis model

    老鼠纖維化模型/fibrosis model

  • 我們在做什麼

    研究領域/Research area

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    骨骼是組成脊椎動物內骨骼的堅硬器官,功能是運動、支持和保護身體,製造紅血球和白血球,以及儲藏礦物質。但骨骼並非是一個靜態的器官,會隨著成骨細胞(osteoblast)與噬骨細胞(osteoclast)的協調達成動態平衡,過與不及皆會導致疾病,例如類風濕性關節炎以及骨質疏鬆症皆是因為致病因子過度刺激噬骨細胞活化造成骨質的侵蝕與流失。我們實驗室主要在探討骨細胞間的訊息傳遞,並透過不同的動物模型來研究類風濕性關節炎(rheumatoid arthritis)與骨質疏鬆症(osteoporosis)。另外,隨著人口老化,忍受退化性骨關節炎(osteoarthritis)困擾的病人也日益增加。我們會針對軟骨組織(cartilage)中的軟骨細胞(chondrocyte)進行研究。由於軟骨組織



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    癌細胞骨轉移/Tumor-Bone metastasis

    癌細胞骨轉移,即自原發性腫瘤(常見如前列腺癌,乳腺癌和肺癌)的癌細胞擴散到骨骼。這將使癌症的治療更加困難,亦增加了患者的死亡率和癌復發率。一直以來,骨髓組織已被認知是個富含生長因子的獨特環境,非常適合轉移性瘤細胞建群。在成骨期間,成骨細胞鋪設多種生長因子,將其併入骨基質中(bone matrix)。因此,瘤細胞會釋放諸如TNF和RANKL等因子,直接刺激破骨細胞的活化,使骨基質分解以補充腫瘤生長因子。然而,乳腺癌和前列腺癌患者骨轉移的高發生率與潛在性分子相互作用的關連性,一直未被深入研究。我們將積極地去探討這類癌細胞偏好骨轉移的誘因,是否與骨細胞表面的特定抗原有關?而這樣轉移的行為是否也和特定免疫細胞的歸巢行為有共通性? 在未來的計劃中,我希望結合癌症生物學和骨細胞生物學的研究經驗,來開發針對腫瘤細胞介導的骨基質重塑的免疫治療,以降低癌細胞骨轉移的發生。


  • 產學合作/藥物開發

    Preclinical animal models

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    藥物治療小鼠骨質疏鬆症,脛骨CT scan

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    Here's our first troop of adventurers!

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    碩士級研究助理 (2023/09~)




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    碩士級研究助理 (2023/09~)

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    碩士班行政助理 (2021/10~)

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    碩士班學生 (2023/02~)

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    北一女專題生 (2020/4~)


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    • 謝佳燁 (106, work at GSK)
    • 林佳宣 (106)
    • 徐小涵 (107, work at 中化製藥)
    • 林潔明 (108, work at 台灣醣聯 )
    • 李佳臻 (109-110 summer)
    • 林軒羽 (109)
    • 歐映廷 (110)
    • 張秀羚(111)
    • 林容安(111)
    • 鍾巧芸(109-111北一女科學班專題)
    • 劉濬維(110-111大專生專題計畫)


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    Research Technician

    • 林佳宣2018-19
    • 洪雅雯2019-20
    • 黃詣晴2019-20
    • 鄭濡萱2020-22
    • 林軒羽2021-22
    • 林佩珊2022-23
    • 黃靖惠2023-24postDr(東華大學助理教授)



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    實驗室特色/Lab style


    • 具研究熱忱 
    • 樂當神隊友
    • 敢於孤獨的勇氣

    In this lab,

    You don’t work hard, but work smart….




    文章討論/進度報告: 一個月一次





    博士:本所最低要求為1篇績優論文 (排名<20%)


  • Achievement



    Bayerischen Forschungsstiftung 巴伐利亞博士獎學金





    • Rauber S, Luber M, Weber S, Maul L, Soare A, Wohlfahrt T, Lin NY, Dietel K, Bozec A, Herrmann M, Kaplan MH, Weigmann B, Zaiss MM, Fearon U, Veale DJ, Cañete JD, Distler O, Rivellese F, Pitzalis C, Neurath MF, McKenzie ANJ, Wirtz S, Schett G, Distler JHW, Ramming A. Resolution of inflammation by interleukin-9-producing type 2 innate lymphoid cells Nat Med. 2017 Aug;23(8):938-944. doi: 10.1038/nm.4373. Epub 2017 Jul 17.
    • Lin NY, Alfiya Distler, Christian Beyer, Ariella Philipi-Schöbinger, Clara Dees, Michael Stock, Michal Tomcik, Andreas Niemeier, Francesco Dell'Accio, Kolja Gelse, Mark P. Mattson, Georg Schett, Jörg H.W. Distler. Inhibition of Notch1 promotes hedgehog signaling in a HES1-dependent manner in chondrocytes and exacerbates experimental osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2016 Nov.
    • Lin NY, Chen CW, Kagwiria R, Liang R, Beyer C, Distler A, Luther J, Engelke K, Schett G, Distler JH. Inactivation of autophagy ameliorates glucocorticoid-induced and ovariectomy-induced bone loss. Ann Rheum Dis. 2016 Jun 25.


    • Distler A, Lang V, Del Vecchio T, Huang J, Zhang Y, Beyer C, Lin NY, Palumbo-Zerr K, Distler O, Schett G, Distler JH. Combined inhibition of morphogen pathways demonstrates additive antifibrotic effects and improved tolerability. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jun.
    • Dees C, Schlottmann I, Funke R, Distler A, Palumbo-Zerr K, Zerr P, Lin NY, Beyer C, Distler O, Schett G, Distler JH. The Wnt antagonists DKK1 and SFRP1 are downregulated by promoter hypermethylation in systemic sclerosis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jun.
    • Distler A, Ziemer C, Beyer C, Lin NY, Chen CW, Palumbo-Zerr K, Dees C, Weidemann A, Distler O, Schett G, Distler JH. Inactivation of evenness interrupted (EVI) reduces experimental fibrosis by combined inhibition of canonical and non-canonical Wnt signalling. sAnn Rheum Dis. 2014 Mar.
    • Beyer C, Zampetaki A, Lin NY, Kleyer A, Perricone C, Iagnocco A, Distler A, Langley SR, Gelse K, Sesselmann S, Lorenzini R, Niemeier A, Swoboda B, Distler JH, Santer P, Egger G, Willeit J, Mayr M, Schett G, Kiechl S. Signature of circulating microRNAs in osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Feb.
    • Zhang Y, Dees C, Beyer C, Lin NY, Distler A, Zerr P, Palumbo K, Susok L, Kreuter A, Distler O, Schett G, Distler JH. Inhibition of casein kinase II reduces TGFβ induced fibroblast activation and ameliorates experimental fibrosis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jan.
    • Distler A, Deloch L, Huang J, Dees C, Lin NY, Palumbo-Zerr K, Beyer C, Weidemann A,Distler O, Schett G, Distler JH. Inactivation of tankyrases reduces experimental fibrosis by inhibiting canonical Wnt signalling. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Sep.
    • Beyer C, Reichert H, Akan H, Mallano T, Schramm A, Dees C, Palumbo-Zerr K, Lin NY,Distler A, Gelse K, Varga J, Distler O, Schett G, Distler JH. Blockade of canonical Wnt signalling ameliorates experimental dermal fibrosis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Jul. IF=10.38
    • Huang J, Che MI, Lin NY, Hung JS, Huang YT, Lin WC, Huang HC, Lee PH, Liang JT, Huang MC. The molecular chaperone Cosmc enhances malignant behaviors of colon cancer cells via activation of Akt and ERK. Mol Carcinog. 2014 Feb
    • Lin NY, Beyer C, Giessl A, Kireva T, Scholtysek C, Uderhardt S, Munoz LE, Dees C, Distler A, Wirtz S, Krönke G, Spencer B, Distler O, Schett G, Distler JH. Autophagy regulates TNFα-mediated joint destruction in experimental arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 May.
    • Lin NY, Stefanica A, Distler JH. Autophagy: a key pathway of TNF-induced inflammatory bone loss. Autophagy. 2013 Aug.
    • Shyu MK, Chen CW, Lin NY, Liao WC, Chen CH, Lin CJ, Huang HC, Lee JJ, Huang MJ, Tseng GF, Shih JC, Lee CN, Hsieh FJ, Huang MC. MUC1 expression is elevated in severe preeclamptic placentas and suppresses trophoblast cell invasion via β1-integrin signaling. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Dec.


    • Huang J, Liang JT, Huang HC, Shen TL, Chen HY, Lin NY, Che MI, Lin WC, Huang MC. Beta1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase III enhances malignant phenotypes of coloncancer cells. Mol Cancer Res. 2007 Jun.
    • Huang MC, Chen HY, Huang HC, Huang J, Liang JT, Shen TL, Lin NY, Ho CC, Cho IM, Hsu SM. C2GnT-M is downregulated in colorectal cancer and its re-expression causes growth inhibition of colon cancer cells. Oncogene. 2006 Jun.

    Industry cooperation

    • 台灣醣聯(2022)

  • Lectures

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    大體解剖學: Pterygopalatine Fossa, Infratemporal Fossa

    組織學: Ear Eye

    細胞生物學導論:Cell membrane

    C course: Immune system and respiratory system

  • Cooperation

    We've got a top notch team!

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    Prof. Dr. med. Georg Schett

    Erlangen, Germany

    Director of EULAR Research Center

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    Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Distler

    Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany


    Contact us

    10051 台北市中正區仁愛路一段一號六樓 台大醫學院 解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所
    6F, No.1, Sec. 1, Ren-ai Road,Taipei,10051,Taiwan, Anatomy NTU
    open hour
    Tuesday-Thursday 14:00-16:00
    886-2-23123456 ext. 88179
  • Useful links

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    pubmed 台大醫學院連結